Allow yourself deep insights and new habits, especially also in your daily life. Take your time and live your own life with even more attention. Be supported by a group of like-minded people and regular workshop input and inspiration you will receive in the meantime.

What to expect?
Take new steps to integrate clarity and relaxation into your daily life, with the elements, theory and exercises taught from the Inner Core on the one hand. We combine Jeru’s teachings , on the other hand with insights, exercises and theories from other thinkers that fit seamlessly with them. These deepening tools increase your awareness, contact with this moment and relationship with your subconscious operating system. All just slightly different and with different language from what you may have already learned.
In this way, you deepen your insight into your own compelling patterns and limiting thoughts, and learn to deal with them in a different way. The tendency to fight or try hard, calms down, allowing you to relax on a deeper level and opening up more and more to who you really are.
As self-employed workers and mothers, we like to make things practical. Hence, you will receive inspiring information and exercises that you can apply in your daily life. We are deeply convinced that these shorter workshops of the Year Path together with the used in-between time will work very powerfully.
We started the Clarity Year Programme with a 5-day workshop/retreat and are following it up with three 3-day workshops, the last of which will take place in February 2025. As mentioned, we also use the in-between time. In it, you will receive small inspirations, reminders and new emphases on exercises. You can also be supported in your process by attending individual sessions.

For whom?
You can participate in the five-day and year-long programme if you have attended at least one Clarity week and if you have already mastered the tools from the week. If you register for the Clarity Year Course, you are willing to commit to a year-long journey with a fixed group.
N.B. Those who were unable to attend the five-days but are enthusiastic to join all the other three workshops are very welcome!
If you are not (so) familiar with the Clarity Process yet, but are motivated to join, please contact Fréderique or Akki.
frederiquespeckman at gmail.com
akkicolenbrander at hotmail.com
The days are a nice alternation between theory and exercises, diving into the past and looking at what is happening here and now. In the afternoon break and there is time to let everything integrate. In the evening, there is a light programme to gently round off the day.
These workshops constitute a real retreat when you actually withdraw from your daily life. Therefore, we ask you to switch off your phone and other devices and connect with yourself and the place where you are in that moment.

Praktical information
19 – 22 September 2024
14 – 17 November 2024
6 – 9 February 2025
Thursday, from 17:00 (light meal on arrival)
Sunday, around 15:30
The first workshop stayed at Retreat de Logt, the other three workshops at another location in the Netherlands.
If you decide to participate, you will register for 3 workshops.
Workshop costs:
€ 1,395 incl. VAT
(For 3 x 3 days and 3 x 3 nights)
All-inclusive stay:
€ 145 per night including VAT, meals, refreshments and accommodation in a double room
Fréderique Speckman (all workshops)
Nyncke Schepen (November workshop)
Akki Colenbrander (all workshops, except November)
Sign up
Are you enthusiastic? And can you make it on the above dates? Send us an email and let us know if you are joining the 5-day or the Clarity Year Programme.
frederiquespeckman at gmail.com
akkicolenbrander at hotmail.com
If you would really like to join but money is a barrier to entering this journey, please send a message to Fréderique or Akki. You can also reach out to the Dana Clarity Fonds.
We are very much looking forward to this and we hope you will join us on our journey!
Warm regards,
Fréderique, Akki & Nyncke

More information on Fréderique: www.vormgevingvanverandering.nl
More information on Nyncke: www.sylck.nl